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Individual executive and leadership coaching

Coaching allows us to press pause on the world, so we can think clearly. When we think clearly we can address challenges, set goals and develop habits that will help us work and live with greater ease. I'll help you put some structure around that thinking and it's likely you'll uncover more about how you're currently working and more options for what you could do differently.


I typically work with clients for an extended period of time, anything from 6 months to several years. I invite all potential clients to a complimentary chemistry session to ensure there's a good fit for our work together. Find out more about my background, coaching philosophy and approach here.


After that we'll draw up a flexible programme of coaching tailored to your needs. This can change as the relationship progresses and can include:​

  • Initially, 30 - 180 minute coaching sessions per month, virtually or in person

  • Regular email/chat support with additional material, support or challenge questions

  • Less frequent sessions for maintenance, stretch and development


Coaching is generally commissioned and paid for by your company though if you'd prefer to self-fund I can discuss these rates with you.


Group coaching for leaders

Whether you're confident in your approach or still working out who you are as a leader, coming together to learn and grow with your peers can be a wonderfully powerful and supportive process. You come to work on YOU.  This is a place to think about who you are, what you want, how you want to be seen and what you might want to change. We focus on what’s within your power and control. 


My role is to hold the space for group members to be there for each other. Rituals and routines create safety that help people to build trust and open-up with each other quickly. We meet without status, and we act with positive intent. We work with a coaching stance, the aim is not fix or rescue but to allow people to voice hopes and doubts, concerns and aspirations. 


Typically, a coaching group will:

  • Have between 4-8 members 

  • Initially meet monthly, with the scope to change the cadence as the group becomes established

  • Contract for commitment, the group works when everyone is actively involved


Group coaching is a cost effective way to reach more of your leadership population and has the additional benefit of creating networks and developing coaching capability.





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The Clearworks team specialises in working with scientific and technical leaders from the STEM, Biotech and Pharma sectors to build leadership confidence, flexibility, courage and balance.


I lead Clearworks Coaching Circles, an impactful, affordable group coaching programme which drives collaboration, great thinking and coaching capability. Originally developed for women in STEM, circles can now be experienced by any like-minded professionals who share a common interest.


I also work on their Lab to Leadership programme for new and aspiring leaders in the sector.


Find out more here.

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VA are transformational consultants and leadership specialists. Their systemic approach increases organisational effectiveness by underpinning business strategy with people development processes.


They deliver powerful and distinctive people focused strategies and solutions to transform organisational performance, culture and creating sustainable organisational value.


I work one to one with executive clients and also on team coaching programmes. 

In addition to my own coaching practice, I work with other like-minded organisations to deliver my services. I am a group coach, a qualified systemic team coach and experienced leadership programme facilitator. I have both in-house and consultancy experience in Organisational Development and L&D.


I'm always keen to talk to organisation with a give fit for values and approach who are looking for associates.

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